Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Crone Is Gone?

She isn't here..why isn't she with us anymore? This can't be real...

What would make her go away? Why is she staying with..with Tina? Like what Tina so special to her then? (I wasn't aware she could even find her...freaky...

What makes Tina inhuman anyway? She bleeds like I do,so what makes her so 'inhuman'?

And why can she hear the Crone when I can't? I can't hear her or the how is she able to hear the Crone? How is that even a thing? That just..that just seems a bit did it happen?

Not shouldn't be...why is this happening?

Son of the Void is turning...the Crone has left us...why is this happening?

Have we started to become them?

No...No we're not like them..not like them at all...oh Crone...COME BACK!!!

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