Friday, April 15, 2016

This is The Longest Update

I'm sorry. It's been so long because I have been moving and I haven't been settled in. My friend is...better. He's better. No problems or pain. Just fine.

Or so he claims.

Being paranoid but,he sounds funny. And when I went over to get more of my stuff...anyway. The puppets aren't around just yet. My t.v. is fine for now. Who knows how long this kind of peace will last. Or if it's truly that.

This has gone on for too fucking long. I can't take it anymore. I'm constantly stressed that they're going to get me. That they'll kill me.

I ain't going to be a puppet for a puppet. Or some bitch with a lantern fetish's plaything. I'm done.

I'm fighting back.

I'm killing them. And to whomever is reading this. I'm sorry. But I can't sit here waiting for someone to help or hurt me.

I'm sorry,Alice and Tina. This was fun. Goodbye.