Friday, October 31, 2014

A Dream of Wires and Time

I had a dream where I was laying on a poorly constructed bed with people surrounding me. They were facing away from me,limp and dangling by their wires. None of which touched me at all.

My head felt thick like a block of cement and I couldn't move. Like my whole body was made of wood or something. But I could feel everything. The bed's sheets. Cool night air against my face. The sounds of the people creaking and moaning as they stood near me. Some were incoherent but the others were begging for death. Each were familiar to me. I think they were the Puppet People who follow me.

At least what they used to be.

Then they turned to me..their faces..oh god their faces! They were either torn and bloody or...or not there at all! And what was there was a crude carving of a face. Like someone was doing a rough draft of what they should look like or something to that effect. They certainly didn't look like that now. Each of them stared down at me. Or not me. But the last Maiden before myself. I suddenly switched perspectives with something and saw she was crying and...and she looked like me...almost like me..only she had darker and longer hair than me. She was....begging them to let her let her go home.

A bedraggled Splinter walked into the room and taunted her. Called her awful names until she started crying. I was screaming for it all to stop but no one seemed to hear me. She did..did something with a knife and I...she became the girl on the bed. Took over her fucking body and twisted the Hell out of she looked straight at me...and smiled. I woke up screaming. I okay.

I did however wake up to something odd mum..front door is fixed. And unlocked...

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