Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fuck You Termite Bait Bitch

You know your day is going well when you get up and see the T.V. is on. And you didn't turn it on and your the only one home. Especially when that ever adorable show about pirates,death and child endangerment is on! Oh it makes an already shitty day even more shitty.

I feel so bad for the new Janice. She is too sweet and young to deserve this kind of horrible shit. If only I could save her from those bastards. But I don't know if I could or not. Hell I'm not sure if it's possible.

Or wise.

Though I still should do something about this. Can't just let them keep the poor baby and potentially kill her for the sake of entertainment. That's just wrong and I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I let this go on.

Ugh..if only I could find out where they're broadcasting from! Then I could go and get the poor baby.

Somehow I don't think that would be possible. And even if it was at all possible,there would probably be a trap waiting for me. Probably all those creepy puppet fuckers and their horrible wooden bitch mistress.

She would probably make her little minions kill me. And that's if she's feeling generous! But I can't wait forever. Poor baby won't last long. I can't fail her like I failed Alice. I..I just can't.

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