Friday, January 17, 2014

Boy Is Still Running

The kid's doctor is still looking for him. Got a look at the bastard. He's wearing a fucked up beakmask and so are some of his associates. Not sure why though. But I doubt it was for health reasons.

Wonder if that guy is Alice's Doctor. Certainly looks like he is. But I'm not entirely sure. After all. Alice isn't even sure of what he looks like.

And that stuff Janice had in the box? A heart. They presented it to a person in a blue coat who seemed to be their boss?

Which seemed weird because they looked nothing like the Wooden Girl. She would never wear a coat. Puppet like her wouldn't need it. And the Lady of the Lantern doesn't have feet,legs or clothes. Also she's blue skinned. The person had white skin. So that really rules out a certain glow-bitch.

Who the Hell are they?

Nathan Is Home

I was really surprised that he had called today. Especially since he hasn't responded to anything that I tried. Lovely how out of the blue he remembered me. And that I existed at all.

But he didn't sound right. Almost like he was reading from a script or something like that. It was really strange and creepy. He kept asking me weird questions too. Mostly about the lantern.

Not sure if I should be worried or not.

Really hoping that nothing is wrong with him.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cheers! Oh My Glub!

I am happy that Tina's fine and writing again. Despite what she or any of you believe,she isn't a coward. Self preservation is how we keep alive in bad situations like she was in. And that kid was pretty much dead when Janice and Percy got their hands on them. So she really needs to be easier on herself.

Also. The boy with the imaginary friend did something I didn't expect. At all. Like this was pretty cool and crazy.

He broke out of the hospital and is on the run. I don't know if he had hidden in something or if his so-called imaginary friend did it. But he is free and running fast. Let's hope the orderlies and police are slower.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It Was Not Her

I don't believe it.

I saw what it was and I still don't believe it.

They were getting parts from rotten people doll things. Most were either dead or only sort of alive. You know. Twitching all over the place but most likely not going to be fighting back anytime soon. After they left. The camera lingered in the place for a while. Tina crawled out of what I'm assuming is the janitor's closet. She didn't have the whatever it is she's been publishing blog posts on.

I'm only going to guess that means she either hidden it or possibly lost it. But I hope she will post something soon. Just to see how she managed to ditch the creepsticks. Hell how she's still alive.

And why does she have so many strange markings on her arms and face. They sort of looked like scars. Greenish ones. Like a Glasgow Grin and claw marks. I sorta don't want to know what did those.

Got a feeling we're going to find out soon.

Friday, January 10, 2014

And They Left

They left the schoolhouse just a little while ago with this weird looking chest. Janice was clinging to it. Her face was super pale and she seemed to be crying? I think she was. Her eyes were red and her face was kinda puffy.

It was leaking this weird liquid. Greenish liquid. Kinda horrified by the idea that maybe it could be Tina's blood. I..I really can't handle that. I really just can't.

Tina if you're reading this,please make a blog post. Anything to prove that your alive. Please?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

They're Still Searching

I don't understand. What the Hell are they looking for? It's obvious that the whole place is deserted. No one is there. So why are they still searching this place for?

Just who or what is that important that they have to obsessively search an obviously empty schoolhouse?

I wish I knew why what they're doing this for. Did their "boss" demand that they do this? Seems like something she would have them do. But for what fucking purpose? Ugh...I could just scream. At least those jerks haven't floated by. Haven't seen them since last time. Really wishing that would be the very last time I see them. Knowing my luck. It won't be.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

About to Drift Off

When the T.V turned on by itself.

With Candle Cove playing a very troubling episode featuring a decrepit school in an abandoned town. Percy seemed scared of the new place. Janice didn't like it much either. The shore of this place was a bit gross. There was garbage everywhere. And they started to explore the schoolhouse carefully. And right now they're still searching. I thought I heard a voice.

It sounded so very familiar but I'm not sure why.

I think it might be...Tina? No way. No. It can't be. She's still in that other place. The weird world that belongs to the Lady of the Lantern. She would have mentioned it. At least I would have read it in her blog. But so far she hasn't written anything. I'm worried that she might She isn't dead.

My sister is alive and well. She's okay. Oh please be okay. Tina. Please be safe. Please.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Show Must End

I don't want to see more of these people in danger. But it seems I can't get them to stop no matter how hard I try.  I know I should have just stopped trying a long time ago but I just keep hoping that I'll manage to make it stop.

Stupid optimism on my part,eh?

Candle Cove is still being highly disturbing and heart breaking. Poor Janice is barely holding it together. And I feel like a jackass just sitting here watching this fucking show.

But I don't think there's anything I can do. And I just..just can't...I should move on to the next Hell show that claws out my feels.

The so-called "imaginary friend" that boy has. "She" broke his collarbone and a few of his ribs. The doctor believes that the boy did this to himself. But I knew better than that. That fucked up creature did it.

Either way he's going to be under a stricter watch. Hopefully this actually helps the kid. Otherwise he's going to be hurt worse.

Puppets are Lurking in the Backyard

They have been in my backyard just floating above the snow. Staring at me. Like they were either surprised or were watching for something. But I'm pretty sure they were surprised. After I saw them and they knew I could see them.

They just vanished.

Poof! Like they were made of smoke or something. And I'm worried that means they've found a new way of getting to me.

I really hope not.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

It Isn't Clever

I think when the new Janice called out to me yesterday,it might've been a trap. How else could she have known my name?

No other idea makes sense.

So there's a possibility that there never was a fourth wall to protect me. Like that should have been obvious to me from the start. Yet it somehow wasn't. Just how are they watching me?

And why do this now? Why not earlier? Could they not have been strong enough? Either way I am going to be having a hard time sleeping tonight.

Friday, January 3, 2014

I Hate When They Break The Fourth Wall

Have I ever mentioned that before?

I absolutely hate it when they do that. Especially when it's a show featuring a rather disturbing amount of death and violence against children/mentally ill people. I didn't know what to do when Janice broke character to beg me to find her. She didn't do it loudly enough for Percy to hear but it was clear enough for me. And as much as I want to go save the child.

I can't.

I have no idea where she is or how I could go to her. I'm pretty sure there is no way that I could. Just can't stand the way she was almost crying as she pleaded to me. My heart nearly broke.

Not like the boy with the "imaginary" fie-friend was any better.

I won't go into too much detail. But let's just say that I never want to watch this so-called show ever a-fucking-gain. My heart can't take it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fuck You Termite Bait Bitch

You know your day is going well when you get up and see the T.V. is on. And you didn't turn it on and your the only one home. Especially when that ever adorable show about pirates,death and child endangerment is on! Oh it makes an already shitty day even more shitty.

I feel so bad for the new Janice. She is too sweet and young to deserve this kind of horrible shit. If only I could save her from those bastards. But I don't know if I could or not. Hell I'm not sure if it's possible.

Or wise.

Though I still should do something about this. Can't just let them keep the poor baby and potentially kill her for the sake of entertainment. That's just wrong and I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I let this go on.

Ugh..if only I could find out where they're broadcasting from! Then I could go and get the poor baby.

Somehow I don't think that would be possible. And even if it was at all possible,there would probably be a trap waiting for me. Probably all those creepy puppet fuckers and their horrible wooden bitch mistress.

She would probably make her little minions kill me. And that's if she's feeling generous! But I can't wait forever. Poor baby won't last long. I can't fail her like I failed Alice. I..I just can't.

Nothing On The New Janice

Just really unfunny episodes of her almost crying and nearly dying because of Percy being an idiot. He forgets that she needs food. A bed. And almost let the fucking Skin Taker get her. Which makes me wonder if he hates the new Janice or something. Seems likely. Though why I'm not sure of.

After all he took her from her normal life. He kinda brought this upon himself. Friggin' bastard.

Other "exciting" news. Boy with the so called imaginary friend might not be all that crazy. Because I think I saw her. Or at least a glimpse of what the "friend" might look like. And it was God awful. Her face almost looked rotten and leathery. I'm not too sure though,I didn't get a good look. Also security cameras suck.

I honestly hope that I didn't really see what I think I saw.