....I can't believe it. Percy came back and the new guy is still alive. How is that even fair? He's not a good actor nor is he even all that interesting. In fact he's kind of a prick. And not in the fun sorta way. Like he's a complete douchewad who needs to die horribly.
He treats 'Janice' like she's nothing more than a toy. Kicked Percy for no friggin' reason than he's there. And I think he did something to upset the Laughingstock. Because when Percy and 'Janice' were off doing something and came back,it was crying.
What the motherfuck did that douchewad do?
Uggh...I've never wished for someone to die before but he needs to just die. Please...someone just murder the friggin' bastard.
On to the next show before I get too into Candle Cove's horrible new cast-member. The kid seems to be doing much better. Their clothes are much cleaner than before and they seem calmer. If a bit jumpy. A bit more docile than I've ever seen them too.
Talking to the little stuffed owl too often. But other than that they seem so much better than normal. Heck they're very polite to the umm...orderlies? Is that what staff at mental hospitals are called or am I thinking of something else all together?
Anyway. They seemed to be calming down quite a bit. Not too sure if this is a good sign or not but I'm glad that they're doing so much better than before.
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