Saturday, March 7, 2015

Been a Long Time

I know I should have kept you guys updated but things've been hectic. My work schedule has been changed and well. I can move easier now thanks to medication. And I've been sleeping better now.

The therapist I have seen is a great person. She would do well if I wasn't lying out my ass on why I'm so stressed. And I don't know if she can tell. But I don't feel guilty for not telling her the truth.

It would probably get her involved.

Broke the T.V by the way. It was flickering to that hideous channel again and I have been hearing the screaming episode. Yes. The SCREAMING episode. The one with all the actors except Janice are screaming for no reason.

I....I hadn't seen it when it first came on. But my little brother did and I can't reach him for context about it. And I don't want to scare him.

This is getting out of control. I am scared by what's going to happen next. But I will transfer to keep you all posted. So wish me some decent luck.

I'll need it.