Monday, September 29, 2014

Matter of Time

I'm trying to keep an eye on Alice's posts on Tumblr. Lately they're becoming more Alice in Wonderland than usual. Like her calling the Rake "Jabberwok". And maybe I'm overreacting but it seems that she's becoming more odd.

Like little Miss "Alice".

She still trusts my sister but I don't think Tina can stay together for very long. She seems to be unraveling at the seams. Rotting away into nothing more than a puddle of green gunk. If my assumption is right...Alice might lose more than her head.

Monday, September 22, 2014


I've been waking up with headaches again. This time might be from the horrible sleeping hours I have,not drinking enough water or just stress. Either way I'm considering drilling a hole in my head to relieve the pressure.

Onto creepy things news. I'm not seeing any puppets in the open lately,but I have noticed them in other places. Like old buildings and rooftops.

Generally places where no-one is allowed. Like the usual with those dicks. I'm kinda wondering what it is with them and abandoned places. Creep factor maybe? Or possibly less likely to be caught in those places. By whom I don't particularly give a fuck. Either way I'm carrying a lighter and maybe something flammable tomorrow.

Can't wait to see how well they might burn. Hehehehe....